Swinging the club freely with maximum control and speed requires a proper grip. When looking at Tour Professional’s swings it is apparent that they do not all grip the club the same. Some players like Fred Couples and Paul Azinger have a strong or closed face grip where the back of the left hand faces toward the sky. Other players, Cory Pavin for example, hold the club with the left thumb more on top of the shaft and the back of the left hand facing toward the target. Example of strong grip: Light grip pressure is the most important element of a good grip. It is important not to hold the club tight, causing excess tension in the hands and forearms. Tension kills the golf swing!! Example of weak grip: Although it is difficult to measure grip pressure, think of it as if the grip is a tube of toothpaste with the cap off and you do not want to squeeze any toothpaste out of the tube. Hold the club just firm enough to control the club without causing tension in the forearms. Example of overlap grip: The most popular grip used among Tour players is the overlap grip (Also known as the Vardon grip) where the little finger of the right hand overlaps the first finger of the left hand. Example of interlock grip: The interlock grip is a good grip for people with short fingers. The little finger of the right hand Interlocks with the first finger of the left hand. Example of ten finger grip: Another grip is the 10-finger grip where all ten fingers are on the club. This grip promotes a faster release through impact and is good for juniors and others who are looking for more strength. If you choose the ten-finger grip make sure to keep your hands close together so they can work as one unit. Regardless of which of these grip you choose, here are some helpful tips. Left Hand: Set the end of the grip under the palm pad and angle the shaft so it runs across the hand over the forefinger’s top joint. Close the hand so the thumb is slightly on the right side of the grip. (Not directly on the top of the shaft) After grounding the club, the “V” formed from the lines between your thumb and forefinger should point toward your right shoulder. Also, when you look down at the grip you should be able to see two knuckles. Right Hand: Position the shaft so it angles from the base of the little finger to the last knuckle of the index finger. Wrap the fingers around the shaft keeping the thumb slightly on the left side of the shaft (Not directly on top of the shaft). Like the left hand, the right hand’s “V” formed from the thumb and first finger should point to the right shoulder.